High Roller Bluffing in Poker

If all the other players fold in a game of poker, the remaining player wins the pot and does not have to reveal the cards held to the other players. This means that it is possible to win a game without necessarily having the best hand. Bluffing is convincing the other players that you have a good hand when you actually have quite a poor hand. Bluffing is achieved by placing a big bet to intimidate the other players to fold. The advantage of bluffing is that it allows you to attempt to win a pot even when the cards that you have are poor in value and would have little chance of winning in a showdown. To succeed with a bluff you need to raise the betting to a level high enough to ensure that the players fold before the game reaches a showdown. If your bluff is successful you will win the pot and no one will know that you were bluffing. If, however, you are forced into a showdown, you must reveal your cards and your bluff will have failed.

Semi-bluffing is making a big bet when your current hand is poor but has a good opportunity to improve. Your initial cards may not be enough to win a game but if you stay in until more cards are revealed you may get what you want to make a great hand. If you don’t get the cards you want then you continue to play out the hand as if they are there. In Texas hold ’em, you may, for example, have two cards for a potential straight or flush. After the flop, you still need two cards to make a straight. You continue playing as if the flop gave you what you needed for a good hand. By sufficiently raising the stakes you attempt to make the others fold. If this does not work, you continue to bet and hope that you get your necessary cards.

When should you bluff?
Bluffing is most effective in high roller poker games where it is possible to substantially increase bets. If it becomes expensive for a player to stay in a game they are more likely to consider folding. Bluffing is particularly suited to no-limit Texas hold ’em, because you can bet what you like: you can make a huge bet that is big enough to make anyone think twice before continuing to play.

The size of the pot will influence your decision on whether or not to bluff. Bluffing is most useful for taking small pots. In a situation where lots of players have folded, you are left with little competition for the pot. With a small pot, players are more likely to fold if they have a mediocre hand. Although they could improve, they will often prefer to sit the game out and wait for a better hand with a bigger pot. In contrast, a large pot will be much more competitive. Players will be more likely to fight for a pot where they have contributed a substantial stake.
Bluffing is best used against good players. A good player will realize that your increase in stakes means that you either have a good hand or that you are bluffing. If you have a reputation as a tight player, the increase in stakes will be taken seriously.

Bluffing will not always work. Not every player will back down, particularly if they relise that they have a good hand. If you find yourself in the situation where your bluff is not believed it may, be better to fold earlier rather than later. If you are continually re-raised you can quickly lose all your chips.

Ideally, you should bluff when there are just a few people left in the game. It is easier to convince one or two people that you have a good hand rather than having to convince five or six.

Your position in relation to the dealer will have an influence on whether or not it is worthwhile to bluff. It is not good to bluff from an early position as you have no idea if the other players have been dealt a good hand or not. It is much better to bluff from a late position as you will see players’ reactions to their hands and how they bet.

A good time to bluff is when you have just won a big pot with a good hand. A forceful round of betting will be more likely to convince the other players that your luck is in and you’ve got another good hand.

It’s important not to get caught bluffing as this will cause you to loose credibility. You need to be able to force players to fold without getting caught in a showdown. If you’ve recently been caught bluffing, players will tend to call your bets. You can, however, use getting caught to your advantage if shortly after you have a good hand. The other players will remember that you just bluffed and are more likely to assume that you are trying to pull off another bluff. You can then use this opportumty to raise your stakes and take a big pot.

You should bluff when other players are running short on chips. They are more likely to fold in order to play in the next game. You will need to take care if they stay in though, as if they go all in, you will be forced to a showdown. Avoid bluffing against players with lots of chips as they are more likely to carry on betting.

Bluffs that seem to represent a specific hand like a flush, straight or full house have a much better chance of succeeding. Trying to convince the other players that you have a good hand will be easier. If there appears to be nothing on the board it will be harder to convince the other players that you have anything special.

A bluff when you are on a losing streak or when you are low on chips comes across as desperation and is less likely to be believed by the other players. If you have to go all in, you will be forced to a showdown and your bluff will be revealed, which will reduce your credibility.

Be wary of bluffing when there are high cards in the flop like A, K, Q, J or 10 as someone will inevitably have a match and will be highly unlikely to back down. If there is an ace in the flop, there is bound to be someone who already has an ace In their hand.

For example, with a flop of A, K, J anyone holding an ace, king or jack will stay in, anyone with a pair of aces, pair of kings or pair of jacks will stay in. So too will anyone holding a queen with the hope of getting a straight. The competition for the pot will be too great. If the board ends up as A, K, J, 10, 7, anyone with a queen knows that they have nuts. Anyone with three of a kind will likely stay in. Anyone with an ace and another high card may also stay in. Those that have just missed their hand may also stay in and attempt a bluff.
If there are low cards in the flop, it is less likely that someone will have a match. Players are much more likely to stay in with high cards. If you start betting strongly as if you have a three of a kind or a high pair this is more likely to be believed. You need to ensure that you bet strongly enough to force out your opponents before more cards are dealt.

If you bet pre-flop and didn’t get the desired hand after the flop, you continue betting as if you got what you wanted. The players will note your strong position pre-flop and your apparently stronger position post-flop.

Keep an eye on the players who have folded as they will inevitably show that they threw away a good hand. If they had a matching pair in their hand, it diminishes the chances that the other players have a good hand.