Here at High Roller Casinos we will guide you through the often confusing world of Online Casinos and point you to the Casinos which offer the biggest High Roller bonuses and in our opinion the most enjoyable gaming experience. Our main focus is on High Roller Online Casinos and High Roller Bonuses but we also review Poker Rooms, Sportsbooks and any other online gambling sites which we feel meet our high standards. So look through our site, read our articles and casino reviews and if you have anything to say about one of our casinos or poker rooms please feel free to leave a comment.
Latest Casino and Poker Articles:
- Table Games: Penetrating the inner circleJust as the sun is the center of the solar system, the table games rest in the middle of the casino system, attracting visitors ever inward and at the same ...
- Slot machines: Place them and they will comeAs you enter the casino proper, you see hopeful gamblers, often two-deep, standing in line, patiently waiting their turn to reap the spitting, buzzing payoffs from the slot machines. You ...
- Glitzy CasinosWhen you step into a modern megacasino, prepare to be dazzled. Blinking lights and ringing bells signal jackpots. Glittering chandeliers and rich furnishings and fabrics often mimic the sequined gowns ...
- Casino machine gamesTurning to machine games For some folks, the intimidation factor of table games is too much to bear. Excuse me while I dab the tears from my eyes, but I’m ...
- Casino Gambling 101I was a big golf fan during the game’s golden age, when Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer ruled the links. Yet, despite the presence of those two titans, I idolized ...
- Measuring Your GamblingIndividuals who find the greatest pleasure in gambling do so with – Realistic intentions – An understanding of the odds – An informed strategy – Some skill, depending on the ...
- Slot machines – FAQThe following quiz may clear up some of the confusion that faces a prospective slot-machine player when deciding on where and what machines to play: 1) Can you win playing ...
- Full Coin Play SlotsMultiple-coin machines have several definitions. On a single-line machine, the player inserts from one to five coins. There are two general categories of single-line, reel-spinning games, known in the trade ...
- Those Sensational SlotsSlot machines – often called fruit machines in the UK and pokies in Australia – have been around for many years. In the UK, there are many varieties of machines. ...
- The Texas Hold’em illusionTexas hold’ em is an illusion. It appears to be a simple game, but you have to understand all the variables and how to make the correct play. The most ...