Poker – A pro’s story

Michael quit his regular job several years ago for a new profession. He now plays poker for a living, and does very well, thank you.

Michael didn’t turn into a poker player overnight, It took years of playing poker as a hobby before he took the plunge. And now that he frequents the poker rooms of Las Vegas on a daily basis, he understands that he must play with a discipline he could only imagine when he was playing for recreation. That’s why he follow six simple principles.

Luck is often as important as skill: while professional poker players make their mortgage payment by
utilizing the skill they have learned or otherwise acquired over the years, Michael understands that in
the short term, anybody can get lucky, but, because of his experience, Michael is prepared to recognize that luck and take the greatest advantage of it. He is also realistic and understands that he will have an occasional good hand to a “lucky” player. But just because he sees bad players get lucky, Michael knows it is always important to play his best. That way, luck can find you. You don’t have to go looking for luck, When he does lose those good hands. Michael doesn’t let it get to him, because he understand that he can only win consistently if he maintain a positive attitude. He sees players get discouraged all the time and he knows that he has the advantage at that time because a player with a negative attitude is more likely to play bad hands and make bad decisions.
When he’s playing, Michael sees his opponents stopping the cocktail waitress every time she goes
by to order a beer, mixed drink or some other alcoholic concoction. Michael used to drink in moderation when he played for entertainment, but now that he’s a pro, he sticks with an occasional coffee. He also gets his rest every night (or day, depending upon when he decides to play), because he knows that playing when you’re tired can cloud your reasoning and create mistakes.

Because he depends upon his winnings for his living, Michael is cautious about betting more than he can
afford. But that’s nothing new. Michael knows that players who bet the rent money are nervous and on
edge, a loser waiting to happen. It’s a tired adage, but remains true nonetheless: never bet more than you can afford to lose.

As a professional, Michael knows all the tricks. One he doesn’t like to use, but often can’t avoid, is when a player shows his cards. Sure, it’s inadvertent, but poker players are looking for every edge, and a player who is careless with his cards deserves to lose. Keeping your cards secure is one of the fundamental elements of playing winning poker.

Most of all, Michael quit his regular job because he enjoys playing poker. If you’re not having fun, it
becomes just another job. The same holds true for playing for entertainment. If it becomes a chore,
there’s no reason to continue playing – it is supposed to be fun after all.